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Reimagining LTSS (Long-Term Service and Supports) in Tennessee

Other states are innovating how they offer and pay for LTSS in order to take pressure off state Medicaid budgets, ease family caregiver burden and provide financial relief for the middle class. It's time for TN to do the same!


In Spring 2021, TCBA hosted three virtual meetings focused on improving Long-Term Services and Supports in TN – something that is a priority for the coalition especially given the challenges we’ve seen during the COVID-19 pandemic. This is an issue that affects all of us since we're all aging, we're all part of families, and families are the backbone of providing long-term care support.


Long-Term Services & Supports include a wide spectrum of services and support offered by multiple sectors to enable adults to live and age well – both home- and community-based services and long-term care in congregate settings.

Through these virtual meetings, we developed the following Guiding Principles for reimagining LTSS in Tennessee.


TCBA continues to engage with state leaders and stakeholders to Reimagine Long-Term Services & Supports in Tennessee. We are focusing on four key priorities: addressing the direct care worker shortage, increasing support for family caregivers, strengthening the HCBS service system and expanding community-based residential alternatives. Please see our 2023-2024 TCBA Issue Brief for more details about our priorities and proposed solutions




Our LTSS Guiding Principles 

Personal Choice & Self-Determination

Long-term services and supports should be offered and delivered in ways that give people desirable options and maximize control over their choices and circumstances.



Older adults and adults with disabilities deserve quality long-term services and supports that are reimbursed at rates that fairly recognize the value of those services and that are affordable for those receiving the services.


Caregiver & Family Support

Family caregivers are valued, and they should have access to the information, tools, community resources, and physical, mental, technological, and financial supports they need to care for their loved ones.


Community & Home-Based Care

Older adults and adults with disabilities in urban and rural communities deserve person-centered, holistic choices in community- and home-based care that are innovative, affordable, and supported by competent and adequately compensated staff.


Accessible, Equitable, & Inclusive Services

Services for older adults and adults with disabilities should be easy to find and access. Services should be equitably available everywhere in the state, regardless of ability to pay and be inclusive of underrepresented communities.


Quality of Life & Services

Long-term services and supports should be high quality and delivered in a compassionate manner that respects individual choice while also providing opportunities for meaningful social connections, personal development, and emotional & mental wellbeing.

Our Goals

  1. To build interest & consensus in reimagining LTSS in TN based on a growing older population and innovations in other states.

  2. To create a shared vision with guiding principles for reimagining LTSS.

  3. To develop collective strategies and ideas as we work together to improve all sectors delivering LTSS support – government, non-profit, private, philanthropy, faith-based.

Reimagining LTSS Webinars

March 8, 2021 Webinar
Starts at 4:45
June 22, 2022 Webinar
If you have any problems accessing the material on this site please email us at

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