Tennessee Coalition for Better Aging

Our Mission
The Tennessee Coalition for Better Aging (TCBA) exists to promote the general welfare of older Tennesseans and their families, through partnerships that mobilize resources to educate and advocate for important policies and programs.
Working Towards a Better Tomorrow
Given that older adults are the fastest growing segment of Tennessee's population and the most significant increase will be among those 85 and older, and given that family caregivers provide over 80% of long-term care, we are committed to advocating for and with older adults and their families.
The Coalition for Better Aging takes collective action to ensure that older adults can age with dignity and family caregivers have the support they need. The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the shortcomings of our current systems and the need to prioritize the health and well-being of older Tennesseans and their families.

TCBA members (left to right) Dianne Oliver, Executive Director of The West Home Foundation; Carol Westlake, Executive Director of the Tennessee Disability Coalition (TDC); Mia McNeil, State Director for AARP-TN; Kimberly Spaulding, AARP-TN's Advocacy Director; Grace Smith, Executive Director of AgeWell Middle TN and Donna DeStefano, Assistant Executive Director of TDC after meeting with Gov. Bill Lee’s staff to discuss elevating and reorganizing aging and disability at the state level.

TCBA members (left to right) Grace Smith, AgeWell Middle TN; Sara Fowler, GNRC Director of Aging and Disability Services; Dianne Oliver, The West Home Foundation; Kimberly Spaulding, AARP-TN; Mia McNeil, AARP-TN; and Donna DeStefano, TDC met with DIDD Commissioner Brad Turner and Chief of Staff, Lauren LeGate, to discuss priority issues, opportunities and proposed legislation to move TCAD and create a Dept. of Aging and Disability.

TCBA advocates alongside, Commissioner Brad Turner, Gov. Bill Lee, and bill sponsor, Sen. Becky Massey at the signing of the Tennessee Disability and Aging Act, legislation that merges DIDD and TCAD, creating a new Department of Disability and Aging (DDA) on April 11, 2024. Click here to learn more about our advocacy efforts.
How We Work
“We have to do the work of imagining what could be possible, and then do our part to make it real”
-Tallu Quinn, Former Director Nashville Food Project
We are a grassroots, member-led coalition and invite member organizations to partner in advancing solutions to key issues impacting older adults and their families.
Our voices are stronger together and TCBA allows us to join forces around key issues and advocate for and with older adults and their families. Click here to learn more about our priorities and members.
We engage key stakeholders through education and discussions to inform our collective advocacy, and we conduct outreach to state leaders to help shape policies, service delivery and new initiatives.
Why We Work Together
Our voices are stronger together
Fastest Growing Age Group
TN’s older adult population (65+) is the fastest growing age group. The 80+ population, those most likely to have multiple chronic conditions, will double by 2040.
Inadequate LTSS in TN
Someone turning 65 today has a nearly 70% chance of needing some long-term services and supports (LTSS) in their remaining years yet TN ranks 47th among states in LTSS overall.
Lack of Family Caregiver Support
Families provide at least 80% of long-term care yet TN ranks 51st among all the states for support of family caregivers.